Friday 30 May 2014

5 Nights I Will Never Forget: Part III


“Top 50 Superstars of All Time” voted on by YOU the readers. 

Done similar to the “Top 10’s” you see on NFL Network, send in your list of the Top 25 or Top 50 Superstars of all time by July 1st to:

Hotmail: BeyondThe3Count

Everything will be recorded and then revealed on a weekly basis until we get to #1.

5 Days I Will Never Forget: Part III

As a teenager, my taste in who I liked and who I didn’t changed. I was becoming the fan that I hate today. The jaded jabroni punk. I was in full-fledged “babyface hate” mode. If you were a babyface, and you weren’t a member a DX, you were on my ultimate SHIT LIST.

Soon after the 2004 Summerslam, I went down to WWE Niagara and bought a nice white “Chain Gang” shirt. But then something happened towards the end of 2005. Edge completely immersed himself as “The Rated R Superstar” and it was everything I wanted him to be.

Going into the summer of 2006, Edge was the WWE Champion and in a feud with my new favourite guy to HATE, John Cena. Unforgiven was coming into Toronto with one hell of a card that I couldn’t miss, so I dragged my buddy Nico with me to the ACC. But before doing so, I spray painted a HUGE “R” on my “Chain Gang” shirt ready to cheer the hometown heroes, some for the very last time.

Unforgiven 2006

Unlike Summerslam 2004, the next and last PPV to hit Toronto was built around 3 matches I will never forget seeing. We walked into the arena and THERE IT WAS…….the HELL IN A CELL. It was awe inspiring and the first time this structure design was used. Bigger, higher, and more incredible than I could imagine, waiting DX and the McMahons/Big Show.

The card started out fairly slow. Needless to say, that Cell needed to lower. Midway through the show, it did. Vince McMahon came out with his son and Big Show to a some what mixed reaction. 

ARE YOU READY…..hit the speakers and the crowd erupted!!!! DX hit the ring to a huge ovation. The bell rang and then we remembered we had to chant “You Screwed Bret”. The match was violent and well put together. Scary moment when the sledgehammer head shot off and hit Shane in the face but it was amazing. A great Hell in a Cell match that we loved seeing DX win, Shawn screwing Bret or not…..(sorry Hitman).

The most emotional match was up. The final match of Trish Stratus. Facing her biggest rival Lita, Trish came out to the loudest ovation I have ever heard, and she deserved it. The match was a classic. Just as you think the sound couldn’t get any louder….Trish locked Lita in the most Canadian move you could….THE SHARPSHOOTER. I have never been to a concert but when that move got locked in, I will never hear a sound that loud again. It was a beautiful moment, and a perfect way for Canada’s favourite woman to win her final match. It was a honour to see live.

Randy Orton and Carlito filled in between the 2 main events and did one hell of a job with one hell of a finish. 

Then the TLC match for the WWE Title. Edge’s match, in Edge’s city, it was meant to be. John Cena came out to extreme heat. I held up my spray painted shirt in defiance. Then…… YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME!!!! The crowd erupted. It got pretty damn close to Trish, pretty damn close.

The match started and Edge quickly showed us why it was HIS MATCH. John Cena eventually took full advantage and looked like he was going to win. The crowd was irate and couldn’t believe it…then….the women we just booed 15 minutes prior became a Canadian hero, when Lita pushed Cena off the ladder.

Edge began to climb the ladder next to two tables stacked on top of each other. John Cena climbed up the other side. They fought on top of the ladder. Then our hearts were broken….
Cena FU’d Edge off the ladder, through the stacked tables. Cena then mocked the crowd oh so slightly and became the new WWE Champion. Garbage was thrown at Cena as he stood atop the ladder with the title. I rolled up my shirt and threw it toward the ring in complete anger and disappointment. The arena quickly began to file out, we were NOT going to cheer this guy.

It was overall one hell of a night and memorable night. I would go to live events, Raws, and Smackdowns for the next 6 years but none stood out like perhaps the biggest night we ever gave our hometown boy Edge…..but we will get to that next time.


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