Wednesday 11 June 2014

RAW REVIEW: 06/09/14


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How intense has RAW been the last two weeks. Say what you want, these last 2 weeks have been the most eventful in some time in terms of story-telling, character development, and drama.

Seth Rollins turns on The Shield. Leaving the possibilities endless on where they can go and what they can do this summer. Daniel Bryan's storybook journey hits a huge roadblock. All of these aspects has made RAW (atleast the opening segment and final hour) MUST SEE for WWE fans.


The show opened up in a huge way. The Authority officially stripped Daniel Bryan of the WWE Title, making the MITB Ladder Match for the vacated Championship. This was well executed, lots of heat, and really the best move that could have been made.

It is expected that Bray Wyatt, John Cena, and Kane will be the final additions to the match and certainly John Cena is the logical choice to win the belt and then eventually drop it back to Bryan at Summerslam, in a rematch of last years event, where it all started. I will not be surprised if however, the title finds its way into the hands of Cesaro come the MITB PPV.


Bad News Barrett and Sheamus squared off in the nights opening match and had an amazing showing. In a match pitting Champion vs Champion its easy to see it going either way. It wasn't surprising however that Sheamus won finding his way into the WWE Title match at MITB

WWE is hurting for babyfaces at the moment and that match needs all the good guys it can get.


Rusev is not someone I am too fond of. He is however a nice fresh heel that can down the line work with John Cena right before the Road To Wrestlemania begins again next January. With similar guys already higher up on the card, Rusev will likely never reach true main event status, but nothing wrong with that. A good squash match every now and then is perfect to bring the crowd back down.


The Shield came out and destroyed 3MB. The commentary line of the night comes from JBL. Michael Cole points out "Its 3MB vs just two members of The Shield, its not fair". JBL  then hits us with "Yea, 3MB is going to need a lot more members". 

Dean Ambrose cut the promo of his life. He has mastered his character and knows exactly how to pace himself and to not go too over the top, which I know is kind of an oxymoron. 

Funny moment is when he spikes the microphone as if they were done and Reigns laughs it off as they realize that they aren't done.

Reigns went on to follow his teammate with the best promo of his career. It was good night to be holding a microphone if you were in black combat gear.

Seth Rollins would come out later in the night and do did a great job selling the point that he was the brains behind the whole operation from the start. Got great heat. I wish he would have come out to Evolution's music, but him not doing it makes me believe that he may not actually be in Evolution. Only time will tell.

The Shield does a run-in, only to be interupted by The Wyatt Family. This was followed by a bit of a clusterf*** that eventually got under control when John Cena hit the ring.


At the top of the show, HHH mocked the fact that he felt he conquered The Shield. That it would be their last night as they faced The Wyatts.

The Shield found their partner in John Cena and another amazing main event was set to take place.

Nothing beats the way WWE does 6 Man Tags. Whoever the agent is, deserves a raise.

The Shield/John Cena got the win. I am nervous to think that with all the pushing done by the commentators that we have seen the last of The Shield. I certainly hope not. I still think John Cena should become a member. Dress him in ALL BLACK and let him join that crowd entrance, that would be INSANE!!! 

If The Shield stays as a unit, I expect John Cena to at least be their "Unofficial" 3rd man to help further both of their storylines with The Authority

I am begging them to do an entrance together just ONCE!! JUST ONCE!!!!


All the top stories in WWE made a great leap forward, which is odd considering the 2nd RAW after a PPV is usually the slow week. The road up to MITB is setting up to be fantastic. A new champion is guaranteed and only more pieces to the puzzle will be revealed next week.

Did I mention that John Cena should join The the very least in one of the entrances, just one time? Oh I did? Okay.


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