Thursday 29 May 2014

5 Days I Will Never Forget: Part II


“Top 50 Superstars of All Time” voted on by YOU the readers. 

Done similar to the “Top 10’s” you see on NFL Network, send in your list of the Top 25 or Top 50 Superstars of all time (not just WWE....feel free to add Women wrestlers if you feel they are worthy of being on the list) by July 1st to:

Hotmail: BeyondThe3Count

Everything will be recorded and then revealed on a weekly basis until we get to #1.

5 Days I Will Never Forget: Part II

The first live event I went to is the one I touched upon in my last entry. I was barely 4 years old and I went to Maple Leaf Gardens. I remember nothing other than the Undertaker’s entrance. 

The next live event I went to was in 1999 at Skydome (I will NEVER call it Rogers Centre). Ken Shamrock was injured, allowing Toronto’s own Edge to win the IC Title, the only thing I remember from that night. Ironically, my next 3 entries are going to be very influenced by Edge in one way shape or form. The first being, the first event I ever went to that was going to be on WORLDWIDE TELEVISION, the first ever PPV I would ever attend……….

Summerslam 2004

I sat at my house at the age of 14 watching Monday Night Raw, It cut to commercial and when it returned, JR told the audience that Summerslam was coming to the Air Canada Centre in Toronto and tickets were on sale Saturday morning. I asked if I could get tickets, my dad said no. So I did what any other kid would do……waited until Saturday morning, went online, and ordered the tickets anyway. 2 tickets for $30 each, WHAT A DEAL!!! Needless to say, my old man wasn’t impressed but TOO LATE!!!!

I was a HUGE Randy Orton fan (though HHH was my favourite) and I was so excited that he was going to be main eventing against…..well you know. It was going to be the first time (that I would remember) I saw so many of these performers live, from Triple H to Kurt Angle to Eddie Guerrero to John Cena to The Undertaker.

I walked into the ACC wearing my Camo John Cena “You Can’t See Me” shirt. I was one of about 100 people that were pro Randy Orton from the moment we walked in. I also was completely ready to BOO, Edge right out of the building. Nothing I hated more at that time than a Vanilla babyface.

The matches started and it was kind of ok, then BAM!!! Kane’s pyro woke my ass up!!!

Randy Orton appeared for backstage interview and my cheers were drowned out by 15,000 people booing. John Cena interrupted and I finally was on the same page as everyone else with the cheers. Moments later John Cena hit the ring to face Booker T and I was in HEAVEN!!! 

Then it was Edge/Y2J/Batista time and I promised myself I would cheer Jericho and Batista as loud as I can to STICK IT to Edge, Toronto or not, SCREW HIM, the rebellious teenager was going to stand out above the rest and BOO this guy!!! Little did I know, over 15,000 people agreed with me. Edge came out to the most heat so far, probably the worst heat of the entire night, I was loving it. Chants of Y2J filled the arena and nothing but BOO’S when Edge picked up the victory. This started his heel turn of that fall and the change we ALL wanted….but we will get to that next time.

Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero tore the house down but in typical Toronto fashion we were PRO HEEL and for the most part cheered Angle over Guerrero. It was an amazing match.

Then…….TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!!!!! MY GUY!!!! Came out to a standing ovation from my fellow Torontonians. Again in typical Toronto fashion, showing no mercy, booed his opponent, the mentally challenged wrestler Eugene….WE DIDN’T CARE!!!! Needless to say, Triple H winning was another….well WIN for the crowd.

Once we realized Trish Stratus wasn’t going to appear in front of us, we let WWE know how angry we were.

GONG!!!! The lights go out and out walks The Undertaker…I will never forget the goosebumps from seeing it so close and being old enough to remember it so vividly. One thing that kinda sucked the air out of us was a fan jumping the rail, running on top of JBL’s limo, and falling right through the top, blowing the post match spot. WHAT A MORON!!!

The moment was now upon me. Randy Orton vs…….well you know. I played out this match over and over with my “Hulk Hogan Wrestle Buddy” (shut up). I played out that stuffed Hulkster trying to put me in a crossface only to twist and BAM…RKO!!! Needless to say, I felt like a genius when I saw the match itself.

Randy Orton hits the ring and titantron goes out mid-entrance. The crowd booed. Then, the champion for Edmonton hit the ring, the crowd cheered the home country boy until…..

”now residing in Atlanta, Georgia”….

The crowd felt immediately betrayed and rebelled almost immediately by hopping on my bandwagon and began the cheers…RKO, RKO, RKO, RKO. 

A back and forth match with the crowd now hoping Randy Orton would take the title. Orton found himself trapped in the crossface, rolled out of it. Then what happened blew my mind….the finish I had played out everyday leading up to that night in my room with my stuffed Hulkster (shut up) happened…..crossface attempt, spin, RKO RKO RKO!!!! 1….2……3!!!! NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, RANDY ORTON!!!!

I couldn’t believe it!! I yelled and cheered so loud I lost my voice. I cut out the picture of him holding the belt in the next mornings Toronto Sun and hung it on my wall. If I didn’t love wrestling before….I was never going to not love it now!!!


A story of love, loss, hate, sex, drugs, alcohol, and brotherhood is coming to YouTube this Winter.

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