Wednesday 28 May 2014

5 Days I Will Never Forget: Part I


“Top 50 Superstars of All Time” voted on by YOU the readers. 

Done similar to the “Top 10’s” you see on NFL Network, send in your list of the Top 25 or Top 50 Superstars of all time by July 1st to:

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Everything will be recorded and then revealed on a weekly basis until we get to #1.

5 Days I Will Never Forget: Part I

I admit, my short term memory is the worst of anyone I know. My long-term memory is fairly average, I guess it depends on the content. If the content is WWE, I am pretty much a walking encyclopedia, which hasn’t exactly gotten me over with teachers and family. I have a highlight reel that goes through my mind when it comes to most of these memories but there are specific ones that I remember as clear as day.

I always was a Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart fan. Don’t know when it started, but I was told the first WWE event I ever “watched” was at 5 months old on an old ladies lap as she watched WrestleMania 6, which took place 10 minutes away, but her age prevented her from going live, so I was her viewing partner. I was completely silent and seemingly attentive the whole event….until the end. Ultimate Warrior pinned Hulk Hogan and almost immediately after that final bell rang, 5 month old baby Me balled his eyes out like….well….a little baby. Hulkamaniac for life….BROTHER!!!

I never missed WWE on Saturday mornings either.

But that is all things I was told about. There are 5 specific days have stuck with me. 5 specific events. I am going to share them with you all over the next week as a way to formally introduce to you, the wrestling fan within me…..why???……..because I can.

Royal Rumble 1994

This is the farthest back FULL memory I have. My furthest back memory was a few months prior, at Maple Leaf Gardens. The only thing I remember from that night, is the entrance of The Undertaker. I remember nothing else.

But months later, the Royal Rumble was going down and I needed to see it. Back in 1994, PPV and PPV channels were very different. You had to go to a store, get a box programmed, bring it back to your house and plug it into your TV to magically take Ch. 50 from a splatter of distorted blue, yellow, green, and red colours (that you had to strain to barely make out what was going on) to a nice clear picture to match all other channels.

At 4 years old, I sat in front of a TV, volume on full blast, trying to make out the images on the 20 inch screen……BOX TV (whose old enough to have owned one of those…no TV stand necessary), and with help from Vince McMahon and Ted DiBiase, did pretty well. 

I yelled and cried when that no good spoiled brat brother of my hero kicked him in the leg and for all intents and purposes, removed him from the Royal Rumble match.

I ran up to the TV as close as I could to try and see Undertaker ascend to the rafters after sitting in complete silence as Vince McMahon described 10 men destroy the Deadman before locking him in the double wide, double deep casket, and closed the lid.

And of course jumped for joy when I heard Bret Hart coming to the ring, limping to try and win the Royal Rumble match despite the nights earlier events. If I could have done a cartwheel I would have when just minutes later Bret was announced by Howard Finkel as the winner of the Royal Rumble along with Lex Lugar and guaranteed a title shot against Yokozuna at Wrestlemania.

I begged for months to get the magic box so I could see Wrestlemania 10 and see my hero win the WWE Title. 

Fortunately, the 15 bucks it cost to rent this magic box for the weekend happened 4 times that year. Wrestlemania 10 for me to watch Bret win. Summerslam to watch Undertaker return and Bret to kick his brother Owens ass in a cage, Survivor Series to see Undertaker get his revenge on Yokozuna, and then WCW Starrcade 1994 only cause I discovered Hulk Hogan was there, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!!!


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